Web Interface Config

Configurations are set via file in the repository https://github.com/synzen/Discord.RSS-Clone

Configs are set in the settings/config.web.json file. If none exist, then you must create one that follows the example at settings/config.web.example.json.

Any configs with an asterisk * beside it indicates that it is required and the bot cannot function without them. There will be a automatic check on startup for any invalid/missing configs.

Type Definitions:

Number - A non-negative integer (no quotes).

Boolean - Either true or false (no quotes).

String - Text that must be enclosed with quotes. Example: "my text"

Array[String] - Multiple strings enclosed by [ and ], separated by commas. Example: ["mythinghere", "mysecondthinghere"] or with a single item: ["myotherthing"]

Object - A JSON object.






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